Saturday, January 3, 2015

Health>Mind+Body: Herbs we sell

Health>Mind+Body: Herbs we sell: Listed below are Herbs i sell and endorse from there affiliate program The King of Medicinal Mushrooms, according to Sib...

Thursday, July 31, 2014


PINE POLLEN is the perfect foundation for elite nutrition. This super-charged elixir contains over 200 bioactive nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that help unlock peak physical and mental health. Pine Pollen has been a staple in Chinese and Korean medicine for more than 2,000 years and has been shown to restore energy, eliminate signs of aging, battle fatigue, and build a strong immune system.* SurThrival Pine Pollen can be consumed daily to help restore a healthy endocrine system and balance androgen and estrogen levels.

Pine Pollen feature elements:
Wild Harvested for maximum potency
99% cracked cell wall pollen for up to 20% more absorption
Tinctures extracted in Organic Grape ethanol for maximum quality and absorbability
Tinctures bottled in superior Violet Miron Glass for maximum freshness, stability, and storability


SurThrival selects the highest quality Pine Pollen in the world. SurThrival brought the first commercially available Pine Pollen to the marketplace in the U.S. Our cell-wall-broken pollen comes from the Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana) and is harvested only from the finest cones from trees that are planted in the richest soil. Pine pollen is rarely contaminated by insects and is therefore pollution-free, poison-free and contains no side effects. Through the handpicking process, the resulting pine pollen is guaranteed to come from a pure flower source and is of a high quality. Pollens are picked at the perfect time within 3-5 days each Spring to ensure high-quality potency of the Pollen. Our Perpetual Youth Pine Pollen is 100% pure and natural, straight from the tree and contains no sugars, artificial colors, or preservatives.


Pine Pollen has been used in traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2,000 years as a health restorative, longevity tonic, and anti-aging nutrient. The oldest mention of Pine Pollen is in the classic pharmacology text “The Pandect Of Materia Medica” by Shen Nong, who wrote about it during the Han dynasty.

In traditional Chinese, medicine physicians prescribe it for:
Moistening the lungs
Relieving rheumatic pain
Relieving fatigue
Increasing Endurance
Strengthening the immune system
Improving the skin
Strengthening the heart
Strengthening the GI tract and stomach
Increasing mental agility
Prostate problems
Increasing agility
Decreasing weight


Cell-Wall-Broken Pollen: We distribute cell-wall-broken pine pollen, which provides up to a 20% increase in digestibility.

During the manufacturing process, a low-temperature, high-speed airflow pulverization process is used to break up about 99% of the cellular material and, according to research, makes the pollen more easily digestible.
Discover the Heath Benefits:

Pine pollen is a remarkable option to help build a healthy immune system. Today, many drugs come from conventional medicine and break down the immune system. That’s just how they work–You treat cancer by killing it. You treat infections by killing them. The problem is that those drugs and procedures are not highly targeted mechanisms, and come with many unwanted side effects. Pine Pollen helps to rebuild your immune system, amongst other immediate benefits.

Benefits of proper nutrition through consuming Pine Pollen:
Restore hormone levels in Andropause and Menopause
Regulate and strengthen the immune system
Reduce cholesterol
Relieve rheumatic pain
Enhance metabolic function of the skin and nourish the hair at its roots
Adjust the endocrine system and raise immunity power of the organs
Improve endurance for high efficiency and quick pace
Protect the cardiovascular system and increase superoxide dismutase levels (potent antioxidant) in the heart, blood, liver, and brain
Improve metabolism and regulate weight
Accelerate activity of the liver cells and regulate bile secretion
Regulate prostate function
Common cold preventative
Restore androgen and estrogen balance
Improve metabolism and regulate weight (safe and toxic-free fat-lowering supplement)
Nourish the brain
Stimulate liver regeneration
Increase free testosterone levels in the blood
Dramatically improves your vitality and stamina

Some herbalists feel that Pine Pollen in tincture form (Pine Pollen Gold) is contraindicated for adolescent males. This is due to the fact that Pine Pollen contains naturally occurring androgens and because androgen therapy is typically contraindicated in young men. Pine Pollen Powder does not have this contraindication due to the low absorption rate of androgens in this form. We are not aware of any information supporting this contraindication, but ask you to consider the words of Stephen Harrod Buhner from his book, “Pine Pollen: Ancient Medicine for a New Millennium”.

“Pine pollen tincture is for men in middle age or older or for those with the various kinds of disease conditions that pine pollen helps rectify. Pine pollen powder, on the other hand, can be used as a nutrient food or supplement by anyone with no restrictions other than for those with pine pollen allergy. It truly is good for all, female, male, child, adolescent, bodybuilder, or the aged. Except in unusual circumstances due to medical conditions, pine pollen tincture does not need to be used by adolescent men.”

We encourage you to consider this before purchasing.
order here

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease.

All SurThrival formulations are produced in GMP certified facilities within the United States. SoundCloud Widget

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Ayurveda The Science of Life: Health Through God's Pharmacy

Ayurveda The Science of Life: Health Through God's Pharmacy: Maria Treben née Günzel (27 September 1907, Žatec , Bohemia - 26 July 1991, Grieskirchen , Austria ) was an Austrian author and herbalist...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tincture /powder

Pine Pollen Powder vs Pine Pollen Tincture. Which one do I take??

So you've decided to try one of the worlds most overlooked and abundant super foods. First question that is going to come to mind though is "which form do I take?" The answer isn't completely straight forward and you will get different opinions depending on who you ask. As with most things it's an individual choice and you need to figure out what works best for you based on what you want to achieve or feel. I'll go through some of the different viewpoints and you can use this information to make your decision. Feel good knowing that whatever you decide its going to be a step in the right direction when you start adding this amazing herb to your diet.

Is the Pine Pollen Bioavailable?

Bioavailable means can your body absorb the nutrients or do they just get excreted? When the pine pollen is in its raw form it has a wall around it that prevents the body from digesting it and absorbing all the goodness. Some people say it is only 5% bioavailable in its raw form. So for this reason we need to make sure that we "unlock" the nutrients. This is possible either by cracking the cell wall or by making a tincture soaking it in a high alcohol solution to pull out the nutrients. Each has their pros's and cons.

Taking Pine Pollen for the Hormonal benefits

Interest in Pine Pollen is largely due to the fact it contains natural testosterone plus other androgens like androstenedione, DHEA and androsterone. Since the hormonal benefits have been the primary motivation behind people trying pine pollen the tincture has been most recommended. It is true that the tincture is the fastest most effective way to get these hormones into your body but there is more to the story. The reason the tincture at first seems more effective is for two reasons. First, since the testosterone is soluble in alcohol and some of the other nutrients are not the tincture is going to be be by volume higher in testosterone. Second, when you take the tincture directly under the tongue it will enter the blood stream immediately and you can feel the effects within 5 to 20 minutes.

Pine pollen is also a powerful nutritive containing amino acids complete protein, vitamins like Vitamin D , minerals and polysaccharides healing sugars. Taking it as whole food and allowing all the components to work synergistically together is a fundamental concept that keeps being validated over and over.  you may not notice the effects as quick as with the tincture, 24 to 48 hours rather than 5 to 30 mins, but you will definitely feel them. As long as it is cracked cell wall pine pollen powder then you will get the hormonal effects plus the nutritive tonic effects.

If you're using 'cracked cell wall' pollen then you definitely absorb testosterone and the other androgens present and if anyone doubt thats just get them to try it for a few days and they will clearly see -

Price vs Convenience

How much time and money you are willing to spend will also determine which form you collect or purchase. If you head out into the forest in April and collect your own then tincture it the cost will be fairly minimal although there will be some effort and time involved. Purchasing the powders is more economical than buying the tinctures plus the cell wall is cracked for bioavailability. This gives you the option of just eating or drinking it or even making a tincture. Lastly you can just skip all the work and buy the tincture then have it ready to go whenever you feel like. This can be more expensive but will save you time and effort. Weigh out which makes most sense to you. The good thing is that its very affordable especially if you want to collect your own.

Personal Preference

You want to get this stuff into you and figure out the way thats going to be easiest. The easier it is and the more it fits into your lifestyle the more likely you will take it. I really believe in consciously engineering your environment so the path of least resistance supports your goals in life. For example if you all you had to eat in the house was pine pollen what do you think you would grab for a midnight snack? Pine Pollen. So if tinctures make it easy for you to take it go with that. I personally love them. I take them travelling with me and everywhere I go. Its so easy to just take a dropper full and its fun to get looks from people then fill them in on what you are doing. The powder is good too though especially when cooking or making elixirs. If you have all your powders there and then just add them into whatever you are eating.

Pine Pollen is a superfood that is slowly gaining more mainstream exposure here in the west. As the hormonal pressure of our environment and lifestyle grows people are looking to natural solutions for help. The good news is there are solutions as we look to time proven traditional methods. The Chinese have been taking Pine Pollen for thousands of years and only lately are we catching on since some awesome companies like

Wishing you a long and happy life that benefits those around you.

Pine Pollen may be one of the most potent and powerful herbs or foods available today. It is the male spore of the pine tree and has been used for thousands of years.Order here...>Pine Pollen

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Monday, June 30, 2014

pine pollen,,,,radioactive particles

Arthur Haines concludes his discussion of pine pollen's ability to protect the body from radioactive particles

Pine Pollen may be one of the most potent and powerful herbs or foods available today. It is the male spore of the pine tree and has been used for thousands of years.Order here...>Pine Pollen

A link to more info here !!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Pine Pollen Release
As part of the reproduction of pine trees, pine pollen is loaded with phyto-androgens which the human body can benefit from.
Pine pollen, as the male reproductive part of a pine tree, has many phyto-androgens.
Pine pollen contains gibberellins which are structurally very similar to testosterone. In fact, they have been found to actually connect with testosterone receptors in the human body. Basically, they can mimic testosterone in the body and, as Stephan Harrold Buhner tells us in his book The Natural Testosterone Plan“because of their adrenal and pituitary actions, they stimulate androgen production in the body; energy levels increase.” They act as prostate regulators, up­regulating when the prostate is too small (one study had castrated rats keep their prostates from shrinking) and down­ regulate when the prostate is too big and inflamed. They are also anti­cancerous and anti­-inflammatory in the rest of the body.
Pine pollen also contains over 30 different kinds of brassinosteroids. Two of these brassinosteroids are used in the mechanism through which the liver safely removes xenoestrogens and other chemicals from the body. They have strong anti­viral actions and are, “considered to be highly novel steroidal compounds with unique anticancer actions while possessing very low toxicity.”
Pine pollen has substances that are similar to testosterone, DHEA, androstenedione, androsterone and more. And that’s not all. Its chock full of nutrition with over 200 bioactive antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other super nutrients.
Understand that this is not like hormone replacement therapy. These are small amounts of hormones, but combined with the intelligence of all the necessary co-factors found in pine pollen. This doesn’t boost your hormones to unsafe levels, but instead helps to educate your body towards a more normal or optimized function.

Pine Pollen may be one of the most potent and powerful herbs or foods available today. It is the male spore of the pine tree and has been used for thousands of years.Order here...>Pine Pollen

procreation cycle

During the spring, pine pollen powder sparks the growth and procreation cycle

vatican pine cone, occult pine cone symbolism, pine cone statue, pine cone meaning
Pine pollen powder benefits all living things by being the most potent plant source of testosterone known. This fine yellow powder seems to settle on everything  during the spring. This incredibly potent androgenic substance literally gives a much needed growth and libido boost to almost all plants and animals that come in contact with it after a long winter's hibernation

Pines are evergreen, coniferous resinous trees  growing 3–80 m tall, with the majority of species reaching 15–45 m tall. The smallest are Siberian dwarf pine and Potosi pinyon, and the tallest is a 268.35-foot (81.79-meter) tall ponderosa pine located in southern Oregon's Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.

Pines are long-lived, typically reaching ages of 100–1,000 years, some even more. The longest-lived is the Great Basin bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva. One individual of this species, dubbed Methuselah, is one of the world's oldest living organisms at around 4,600 years old. This tree can be found in the White Mountains of California. An older tree, unfortunately now cut down, was dated at 4,900 years old. It was discovered in a grove beneath Wheeler Peak and it is now known as Prometheus after the Greek immortal.The bark of most pines is thick and scaly, but some species have thin, flaking bark. The branches are produced in regular "pseudo whorls", actually a very tight spiral but appearing like a ring of branches arising from the same point. Many pines areuninodal, producing just one such whorl of branches each year, from buds at the tip of the year's new shoot, but others are multinodal, producing two or more whorls of branches per year. The spiral growth of branches, needles, and cone scales are arranged in Fibonacci number ratios. The new spring shoots are sometimes called "candles"; they are covered in brown or whitish bud scales and point upward at first, then later turn green and spread outward. These "candles" offer foresters a means to evaluate fertility of the soil and vigour of the trees.

Pines are mostly monoecious, having the male and female cones on the same tree, though a few species are sub-dioecious with individuals predominantly, but not wholly, single-sex. The male cones are small, typically 1–5 cm long, and only present for a short period (usually in spring, though autumn in a few pines), falling as soon as they have shed their pollen. The female cones take 1.5–3 years depending on species to mature after pollination, with actual fertilization delayed one year. At maturity the female cones are 3–60 cm long. Each cone has numerous spirally arranged scales, with two seeds on each fertile scale; the scales at the base and tip of the cone are small and sterile, without seeds. The seeds are mostly small and winged, and are anemophilous (wind-dispersed), but some are larger and have only a vestigial wing, and are bird-dispersed . At maturity, the cones usually open to release the seeds, but in some of the bird-dispersed species (e.g. whitebark pine), the seeds are only released by the bird breaking the cones open. In others, the seeds are stored in closed ("serotinous") cones for many years until an environmental cue triggers the cones to open, releasing the seeds. The most common form of serotiny is pyriscence, in which a resin binds the cones shut until melted by a forest fire.
Pine Pollen may be one of the most potent and powerful herbs or foods available today. It is the male spore of the pine tree and has been used for thousands of years.Order here...>Pine Pollen