Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tincture /powder

Pine Pollen Powder vs Pine Pollen Tincture. Which one do I take??

So you've decided to try one of the worlds most overlooked and abundant super foods. First question that is going to come to mind though is "which form do I take?" The answer isn't completely straight forward and you will get different opinions depending on who you ask. As with most things it's an individual choice and you need to figure out what works best for you based on what you want to achieve or feel. I'll go through some of the different viewpoints and you can use this information to make your decision. Feel good knowing that whatever you decide its going to be a step in the right direction when you start adding this amazing herb to your diet.

Is the Pine Pollen Bioavailable?

Bioavailable means can your body absorb the nutrients or do they just get excreted? When the pine pollen is in its raw form it has a wall around it that prevents the body from digesting it and absorbing all the goodness. Some people say it is only 5% bioavailable in its raw form. So for this reason we need to make sure that we "unlock" the nutrients. This is possible either by cracking the cell wall or by making a tincture soaking it in a high alcohol solution to pull out the nutrients. Each has their pros's and cons.

Taking Pine Pollen for the Hormonal benefits

Interest in Pine Pollen is largely due to the fact it contains natural testosterone plus other androgens like androstenedione, DHEA and androsterone. Since the hormonal benefits have been the primary motivation behind people trying pine pollen the tincture has been most recommended. It is true that the tincture is the fastest most effective way to get these hormones into your body but there is more to the story. The reason the tincture at first seems more effective is for two reasons. First, since the testosterone is soluble in alcohol and some of the other nutrients are not the tincture is going to be be by volume higher in testosterone. Second, when you take the tincture directly under the tongue it will enter the blood stream immediately and you can feel the effects within 5 to 20 minutes.

Pine pollen is also a powerful nutritive containing amino acids complete protein, vitamins like Vitamin D , minerals and polysaccharides healing sugars. Taking it as whole food and allowing all the components to work synergistically together is a fundamental concept that keeps being validated over and over.  you may not notice the effects as quick as with the tincture, 24 to 48 hours rather than 5 to 30 mins, but you will definitely feel them. As long as it is cracked cell wall pine pollen powder then you will get the hormonal effects plus the nutritive tonic effects.

If you're using 'cracked cell wall' pollen then you definitely absorb testosterone and the other androgens present and if anyone doubt thats just get them to try it for a few days and they will clearly see -

Price vs Convenience

How much time and money you are willing to spend will also determine which form you collect or purchase. If you head out into the forest in April and collect your own then tincture it the cost will be fairly minimal although there will be some effort and time involved. Purchasing the powders is more economical than buying the tinctures plus the cell wall is cracked for bioavailability. This gives you the option of just eating or drinking it or even making a tincture. Lastly you can just skip all the work and buy the tincture then have it ready to go whenever you feel like. This can be more expensive but will save you time and effort. Weigh out which makes most sense to you. The good thing is that its very affordable especially if you want to collect your own.

Personal Preference

You want to get this stuff into you and figure out the way thats going to be easiest. The easier it is and the more it fits into your lifestyle the more likely you will take it. I really believe in consciously engineering your environment so the path of least resistance supports your goals in life. For example if you all you had to eat in the house was pine pollen what do you think you would grab for a midnight snack? Pine Pollen. So if tinctures make it easy for you to take it go with that. I personally love them. I take them travelling with me and everywhere I go. Its so easy to just take a dropper full and its fun to get looks from people then fill them in on what you are doing. The powder is good too though especially when cooking or making elixirs. If you have all your powders there and then just add them into whatever you are eating.

Pine Pollen is a superfood that is slowly gaining more mainstream exposure here in the west. As the hormonal pressure of our environment and lifestyle grows people are looking to natural solutions for help. The good news is there are solutions as we look to time proven traditional methods. The Chinese have been taking Pine Pollen for thousands of years and only lately are we catching on since some awesome companies like

Wishing you a long and happy life that benefits those around you.

Pine Pollen may be one of the most potent and powerful herbs or foods available today. It is the male spore of the pine tree and has been used for thousands of years.Order here...>Pine Pollen

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